Seattle is about the views. Stratovolcanoes, the Salish Sea and two mountain ranges are visible on clear days. And the city has multiple beaches. Here are five of my favorite vantage points in the city and pictures I have taken at each spot. Photo credit goes to my iPhone and pocket shooter.
Columbia Tower
From the 73rd floor of the tallest building west of the Mississippi, take in the full 360 degrees of PNW glory. On a clear day you will be rewarded with views of four volcanoes, two mountain ranges and the the entire city of Seattle. Compared to the Space Needle, it’s twice the height, offers more views, and is half the price of admission.
Discovery Park
If you live in Seattle and have not visited Discovery Park, make it a priority. I am also secretly disappointed in you for actively avoiding this retreat for your soul. Bluffs, beaches and trails make escaping the noise of the city easy. Plus views like this keep the inspiration on high:
Golden Gardens
Seattle has beaches, too, that rest against a body of salt water connected to the ocean.
The real question for debate: Is it the Ocean?

Queen Anne Views
Kerry Park is where postcards are made and a mandatory stop for all tourists. If you continue west past Kerry Park, you will be rewarded with more isolated views of the Olympics. Then, make you’re way around upper Queen Anne to find your own inspirational view. Here’s one of my favorites:
Gasworks Park
I caught my first pokemon at the top of the grassy knoll at Gasworks Park. When I moved to Seattle, I lived on a houseboat with a pscyhic mermaid at the neighboring marina. It was a learning experience, to say the least.
At the park, witness the growth of Amazon to the south, or photobomb selfies at the top of the grassy knoll.
What about you?
What are your favorite Seattle views? Shout out in the comments and feel free to shout out if you’re looking for extra Seattle tips.
Find me on Instagram and Facebook to see more views like these.