12,800 years ago a comet plunged into the one-mile-thick North American ice sheet.
A 2,000ft high wall of water emanated from the impact center. At 75mph, a tsunami of water, glacier fragments and boulders carved gorges, canyons, lakes and rivers into the continent.
Massive mammals like mammoths, the giant beaver and the sabre-toothed tiger were simultaneously eliminated from the face of the earth as the world plunged into a 1,500 year nuclear winter.
Was this the Great Flood and the origin of flood myths that are told in the cultures of Christianity, Hopi, and cultures around the world?
The evidence is mounting that this is the story our ancient kin were trying to tell us.
The emerging theory is called the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, and it is reshaping the way we view the history of the world, and humankind. Indeed:
“Everything we have been taught about the origins of civilisation occurs after 11,500 years ago.”
It is also what created one of my favorite places on the planet: the Grand Coulee and the Ancient Lakes region.

Looking NW at the flood-shaped Scablands below, and the 1,000ft Grand Coulee in the distance.
When I first visited the Ancient Lakes and Upper Grand Coulee, the rock formations appeared to be blasted by Optimus Prime.
Rock formations looked liked the result of a sudden event, rather than a gradual ten thousand year erosion.
The silent, arresting beauty of the ancient lakes and riverbeds that were the result of an extinction-level cataclysm makes this a wonder of Washington, and an awesome hiking, camping and horseback destination.

Recently, Joe Rogan had a Podcast conversation with the catastrophist Randall Carlson and the legendary Graham Hancock.
Watch the episode below as they begin talking about the flood that created one of my favorite campsites, and what we can do to prevent this from happening in the future: