Get ready for an interstellar, extra-dimensional journey into sensory deprivation, the shadow self, astral projection, artificial intelligence, getting better sleep, and more.
Sean McCormick is a life coach and entrepreneur, best known for starting Float Seattle.
To get there, he made a transformational leap from his corporate job to becoming an entrepreneur. His first float was a transcendental experience that altered his course in life.
In today’s episode, we discuss Sean’s morning routine, antidotes to heightened levels of stress, out-of-body experiences, the importance of sleep, shamanic work, meditation and much, much more. In Sean’s words:
“If you’re unhappy, you have to be bold enough to make a change in your life.”
- Sean’s morning coffee routine (from the beginning)
- 5HTP for mood enhancement (5:00)
- Introduction to Sean, the startup he’s working on, and the shadowself (13:15)
- Artificial Intelligence and our dark side (22:00)
- Sean’s first experience in a sensory deprivation tank (28:45)
- The practice of astral projection (34:00)
- Sleep paralysis and alien abduction (40:30)
- “You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” – Terence Mckenna (51:25)
- We discuss Sean’s shamanic path to discovering a spirit animal (52:13)
- Developing habits to sleep better (1:02:00)
- Sean offers 3 steps to unplug (1:07:26)
Sean will return in episode 315 :-p
- The portable Ikea Milk Frother that Sean used to make his coffee.
- Self Emergence coaching and the Emerge! app
- Biohacking – “the activity of exploiting genetic material experimentally without regard to accepted ethical standards, or for criminal purposes.”
- One way to make Buttered Coffee
- MCT Oil – Medium Chain Triglycerides
- Jungian psychology of the Shadow Self
- Max Headroom – “The World’s first computer-generated TV host.”
- @TayTweets: the Microsoft’s AI twitter account that turned racist
- Sensory deprivation tanks and floating
- The film Altered States with William Hurt
- Jeremy Narby discusses Intelligence in Nature
- Out of body experiences
- Astral Projection
- Ariana Huffington’s ‘Sleep Revolution’
- F.Lux for sleep. It “makes the color of your computer’s display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.”
- Hindu Squats as part of Sean’s morning routine.
- Sleep Paralysis and alien abduction
- The transcendental, psychedelic experience of Ayahuasca
- Insight Timer: the social meditation app that I use daily
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