Water World Friday

Water has been in the news this past week. Record rainfall along the west coast has tested aging infrastructure in regions experiencing record population growth. In Seattle, millions of gallons of raw sewage is flowing into the Puget Sound after the aging water treatment facility was destroyed by water. With that in mind, let’s talk about cows.

I. Cows are obsolete – If you were to ask me the #1 thing an individual can do to help slow water pollution and shortages, deforestation, climate change and cancer, I would tell you this: Stop eating beef.

It’s an egregiously inefficient source of protein, and a devastator of waterways. And don’t get me wrong – I indulge in a locally-sourced grassfed beef hamburger a couple of times per year.

Looking to the future, there are two companies creating ingenious cow alternatives: Memphis Meats and Modern Meadow.

II. Memphis Meats is “developing a way to produce real meat from animal cells, without the need to feed, breed and slaughter actual animals.” That’s right. Lab Grown Meat! I’ll have to taste it to believe it.

Listen to this episode of the Waking Up podcast with Sam Harris, where Sam talks with Memphis Meats CEO (and Cardiologist) about their lab grown, misery-free meats.

III. Modern Meadow is ‘growing’ leather and was featured in the Popular Science article: How Science Will Make Cows Obsolete

“Modern Meadow uses bovine cells to grow sheets of collagen, which are then tanned and cut into leather goods, such as jackets.”

IV. How to be a practicing environmentalist:
There’s only One Step: Practice what you preach.

vs Oil
Ride your bike. Walk. Take public transportation. Carpool.
Make driving by yourself the last resort.

Do I really need to drive to the post office 300 yards down the street?

vs Climate Change
The above, plus: Eat less meat and Stop eating commercial meats. If we are talking about climate change over a steak, fries and beer, after having separately driven 10+ minutes in our oil guzzling vehicles, then it is hard to take ourselves seriously.

In general: Consume less. Eat less, drink less, and shop at thrift stores.

V. Time to Breathe it in…through the nose
This article from Mindful highlights new science showing how “Our in-breath is like a remote control for our brains, directly affecting electrical signals that communicate with memory and emotional processing centers.”

“Take a deep breath in it will help you be more emotionally aware but only if you inhale specifically through your nostrils and not your mouth.”

And that’s it! I’m going to take a few deep breaths through the nose after this one. Get outside, appreciate nature, appreciate yourself and let’s make it happen.

With gratitude,

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